
Why do dogs lick other dogs’ eyes or mouths?

Why do dogs lick other dogs’ eyes or mouths? If you have more than one dog, like me, you might have noticed your dog licking the eyes or mouth of your other dog. Do you wonder why they do it? Seems a bit gross, but there must be a reason for it. So I did […]


Healthy recipe for your dog

Healthy recipe for your dog I have been doing a lot of research about what sort of my food my cavoodles should be eating to give them the healthiest life possible. There is a lot of research showing that dried kibble is not the best option for your dog so I have been making up […]


Which food is right for your dog? Kibble or raw diets?

Which food is right for your dog? Kibble or raw diets? There is a lot of differing opinion about what is best for your dog. Pet food manufacturers will obviously say that kibble is best however kibble is fully processed and if you refer to a previous blog HERE you will see the process it […]

3 spoilt dogs

Which human foods can dogs eat?

Which human foods can dogs eat? While many people foods are safe for dogs, they should generally only eat in them moderation. Human foods that are safe for dogs include: CarrotsCarrots are a healthful food for dogs. Chewing on carrots can help remove plaque from their teeth and otherwise promote good dental health. Carrots are […]