How to calculate your dog’s age?
How to calculate your dog’s age? Dogs age at different rates compared to humans, but the simple rule of 7 dog years to 1 human year is far from accurate. But new research shows that young puppies age much faster than young humans do, so that simple one-to-seven year ratio is wrong. A 1-year-old dog […]

Most popular dog names in Australia
Most popular dog names in Australia We love our dogs here in Australia with around 40% of homes owning at least 1 pooch. Us Aussie dog owners spend on average $1627 on their dog every year. Since we love our pooches so much, can you guess what the most popular dog names are: MALE DOG […]

5 stages of begging
5 Stages of Begging Once you have a pooch, eating your food, will never be the same again. It doesn’t matter how well feed your dog, nothing will stop them from bringing out those big puppy dog eyes and acting like they are starving and you are so mean for depraving them. So, what are […]

10 annoying things we always forgive our dogs for
10 annoying things we always forgive our dogs for Let’s face it, it is really hard to get angry and stay angry at our beloved pooches. They can just about do anything then they look at us with that super cute face and we melt like an ice cream. He are 10 of the most […]