How To Keep Your Dog Warm In Winter
Winter can be a difficult time for our furry friends. They love to play outside and run around, but it can be hard to keep your dog warm in winter. Make sure you follow these tips to make sure you’re not spoiling your dog.
Invest in a good coat
There are many types of coats available that will keep dogs warm in the winter, including fleece vests and jackets. Most at made from polar fleece or other insulating fabrics that retain heat well in cold weather.
Use a heated bed or blanket
An electric blanket or heated bed is a great way to keep your pup warm without having to worry about them getting overheated. The blankets come with temperature controls, so you can customize the heat level for each pet according to their size and weight.
NB: Be mindful of safety issues with electric blankets.
Use a heating pad when you can’t be around at night
If your dog stays outside at night (or if there’s no one home during the day), consider buying a heating pad for them. Many can be bought cheaply and used by themselves or under their bedding for extra warmth
Give them plenty of exercise and fresh air
Dogs need more exercise just like humans do. It helps their body to function better and it keeps them healthy. When you are out with your dog, make sure you take him/her for a brisk walk or jog every day.
Give them plenty of cuddles
Of course, the easiest way to keep them warm is by having plenty of snuggle time. This has the added benefit of keeping you both warm you. And nothing beats puppy cuddles at any time of the year.