Why our pets are so important during lockdown
Why our pets are so important during lockdown We all dread hearing the words “lockdown”. As a dog sitter, I get a triple dose of disappointment as not only am I in lockdown, but we lose income without our regular guests, and my dogs miss their playmates and the extra company they are used to […]

Why is human chocolate is so bad for your pooch?
Why is human chocolate is so bad for your pooch? Ever wonder why chocolate is toxic to dogs? It all comes down to one molecule – theobromine. It is a caffeinelike molecule that increases blood flow to the brain, is so hard for dogs to process that they can easily eat enough to be poisonous. […]

The importance of routine for your puppy
The importance of routine for your puppy We’re all creatures of habit. Dogs included. The best way to house-warm a puppy is to provide a structure – a sense of routine. Knowing your needs are met on a daily basis makes for a healthy mind and body. Puppies that fail to get regular walks, meals, […]

Why dogs bark and how to minimise it?
Why dogs bark and how to minimise it? Why dogs bark and how to stop it Dogs bark, they do it for several reasons and you can’t expect your dog to not bark, it’s like expecting you to not speak, like at all! It’s natural for dogs to bark, however, it’s nuisance for their owners […]